This twelfth installment in the series is all about The Unseen Empire and the class [Witch]. As a reminder, Laken is the blind Earther [Emperor], who named his girlfriend Durene as his [Paladin] and the [Witch] Wiskeria as his [General]. After getting their asses kicked by the goblins and [Chieftain] Rags, Laken added his newly built trebuchets to the human army pursuing the goblin [Lord] before realizing that he and the goblins were being used to conquer the city of Liscor. So he rounded up the surviving goblins and headed home. In the meantime, Durene has finally recovered from her terrible injuries, but she's still afflicted by terrible self doubts and confusion. Wiskeria feels that she has always been a poor [Witch], and is an even worse [General], despite the fact that their defeat was largely due to a well timed betrayal. Now the [Witches] are forming a special coven to meet with Laken and ask for his protection against the [Hunters] that are killing them. Seven of the most powerful and unique [Witches] have come to join Wiskeria, including the oldest, most powerful, and notorious of all, Wiskeria's mother.