Each book in the Stormlight Archive is massive, and Wind and Truth clocks in as the biggest of the bunch. Despite its size, the book covers a time period of only 10 days, which is the amount of time left before the pending contest of champions between Dalinar Kholin and the god Odium. The outcome of this contest will determine the fate of Roshar and Dalinar knows in his heart that he can't win. This makes every different story line feel like a desperate race against time, and each main character has a role to play. In fact, there are so many different story lines and threads going on, not to mention flashbacks and travels through time in the spiritual realm, that it can be a bit overwhelming to follow it all. Even more so if it's been a while since you read the first four books in the series, but the real question is - does Wind and Truth properly end the first arc of the Stormlight Archive, or is this a new level of bloat coming from Sanderson, who seems to have no control over the scope of his own story telling?
Wind and Truth - the end of the first arc of the Stormlight Archive