Since Carl and Donut were able to overcome the complexity of the 4th floor by creating group chats that helped the crawlers share information, the AI that runs the world dungeon has responded by making some adjustments. The 5th floor is now a myriad of unique instanced zones (bubbles) and no new groups can be formed by the crawlers. The crawlers themselves will be evenly distributed across the bubbles, and since Carl and Donut are two of the highest level crawlers, that means they will be sharing their bubble with a bunch of I-can't-believe-these-idiots-are-still-alive n00bs. Each bubble has 4 quadrants within it (air, land, water, and subterranean) and each one has a challenge that must be overcome before the crawlers can move on to another one. Carl and Donut wind up starting in the air quadrant, which is good since cats and water don't mix, but that is just delaying the inevitable for Donut. Before Donut finds herself submerged, they first have to deal with the Dirigible Gnomes, who are using their insanely designed aircraft to bomb the hell out of camel like race that lives beneath them.